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We Look Forward to Your Support Entry-Level Career Opportunities

Training and Education

Are you open-minded, determined and want to start your career? You can expect a varied and practical apprenticeship with us, where you will be integrated into all operational processes right from the start.


Study Program

Are you studying but would like to gain your first experience in a global company? In addition to internships, we offer committed talents interesting working student positions with exciting projects.


Career Entry

Have you successfully completed your studies or training? With us you will find responsible tasks, a modern workplace, international projects and flat hierarchies.


Experienced Professionals

Are you an experienced professional looking for a new perspective? Our SCHLEIFRING team looks forward to your active support in a wide variety of areas.


Innovative and Trendsetting Careers at SCHLEIFRING

For over 50 years the name SCHLEIFRING has stood successfully for innovative transmission technology. We are a global company that assumes social and ecological responsibility and cultivates a corporate culture that is characterized by a working environment based on mutual esteem and respect and the values by which we live.

We are constantly growing – that's why we need personalities like you! Exciting challenges are waiting for you at a modern employer. Get to know us and find out why it is worth your while to become part of the SCHLEIFRING team.

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Attractive Remuneration and Supplementary Services The SCHLEIFRING-Benefits

Look forward to a secure job in a continuously growing company that offers numerous development and creative opportunities. Flexible working hours, a performance-related salary, bonuses, and contributions to the company pension scheme make up an attractive package along with other benefits.

Innovative Working Environment
Innovative Working Environment

Modern offices and perfectly equipped machinery make everyday working life at SCHLEIFRING easier. 

Company Supplementary Health Insurance
Company Supplementary Health Insurance

The company supplementary health insurance offers all employees free financial cover for illnesses that go beyond the statutory health insurance. 

Company Pension Scheme
Company Pension Scheme

SCHLEIFRING offers all employees additional protection in old age and pays an allowance of 22%.

Annual Wage and Salary Round
Annual Wage and Salary Round

The company allows salaries to be adjusted every year.

Mobile Working
Mobile Working

State-of-the-art IT technology makes it easy to combine work and family life. 

Training/ Further Training
Training/ Further Training

SCHLEIFRING stands for technical progress and further development. This applies equally to its products and its employees. 

Job Bike
Job Bike

Stay healthy and take the opportunity to ride your bike, whether to the office or privately. 

Meal Allowance/ Canteen
Meal Allowance/ Canteen

The company's own canteen offers various lunches, which are subsidized by the company. 

Well-Being at the Workplace
Well-Being at the Workplace

Clean workplaces and production areas ensure a pleasant working environment.

E-Charging Stations/ Company Parking Spaces
E-Charging Stations/ Company Parking Spaces

Sufficient e-charging stations and company parking spaces are available at the company locations.

Employee Events
Employee Events

Summer party, Christmas party, ski trip or running team: it's the togetherness that counts!

Moving Forward Together Opportunities for Personal Development at SCHLEIFRING

Elisabeth Lohmaier

Head of Product Qualification

No two products are alike. Today we have to deal with mechanical challenges, tomorrow electrical ones, and the day after completely new ones.

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Christian Ostermeier

Head of Sales

For our special products, in particular, it is important to familiarize oneself with the customer project and to ask the right questions – after all, no one knows our products as well as we do.

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Denise Schmaderer

Marketing Coordinator

The wide variety of individual projects transforms my profession into a calling.

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#wirsindschleifring The SCHLEIFRING Team – In a Different Perspective

Nadine - Reception

Nadine - Reception

A friendly smile every day – that’s me! Besides giving a warm welcome to our guests, I coordinate the allocation of all rooms, organize food and drinks and, on the side, I also ensure that everyone who phones us is connected correctly and provide first aid for major and minor injuries.

Jürgen - Facility Management

Jürgen - Facility Management

Monitoring. Maintenance. Repairs. My day-to-day tasks include the organization and coordination of external companies, management of the vehicle fleet and also the correct disposal of materials. I look forward to seeing my colleagues again every time I come to work.

Andrea - Human Resources

Andrea - Human Resources

Every day is different and the tasks are multifaceted, just like human beings. My daily challenge is constantly finding new solutions, sometimes also in difficult situations.

Denise - Marketing

Denise - Marketing

Planning, coordination and organization – with great confidence in the product and in the SCHLEIFRING family with its more than 700 employees. Making the impossible possible in the team is an exciting task and a daily enrichment!

Hartmut - Logistics

Hartmut - Logistics

I am proud to have already been a member of the SCHLEIFRING team for 25 years. My areas of responsibility comprise the management and timely provision of all raw materials. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the suppliers, who over the years have also become my friends, every single day.

Maximilian - Product Qualification

Maximilian - Product Qualification

As a test engineer, I am responsible for the qualification of new products. Working with complex electromechanical systems fills me afresh with enthusiasm every single day. I am proud to be part of the SCHLEIFRING team!

Sascha - Soldering, Gluing, Turning

Sascha - Soldering, Gluing, Turning

A new challenge every day! As group leader life never gets boring. Our modern product is exciting, and working together with a great many esteemed colleagues makes this challenging task even more enjoyable.

Maurizio - Purchasing

Maurizio - Purchasing

I am happy in my job and happy in my department. We have a great atmosphere in the team that I haven't experienced anywhere else. And I am allowed to travel a lot to get to know new and foreign cultures.

Anton - Service

Anton - Service

My working world is in service. My colleagues and I, we have almost the complete SCHLEIFRING product range on our workbenches. Product overhauls, repairs, maintenance. I am always surprised: some slip rings are decades old but just need a little oiling.

Franz - Assembly Department

Franz - Assembly Department

I particularly enjoy training new colleagues and working with the trainees. This way I can pass on my knowledge and experience and it's nice to see how my colleagues themselves are pleased with the skills they have learned.

Cristina - Serial Assembly

Cristina - Serial Assembly

SCHLEIFRING is like my second home. In my job I can live out my sensitivity for filigree work. And: I love soldering, it's my passion! It's like art, you see what you create, the precision of our products is literally in my hands.

Michael - Service

Michael - Service

My work in the service department is varied and demanding. I calculate and assess - at the workbench and on the PC - and among colleagues it's really great! We meet and we also barbecue together - and I can come to work by bike.

Luzie - Marketing

Luzie - Marketing

Corporate identity and communication are my passion. Any kind of color in combination with the variety of shapes to carry a message into the world - creating attention and trust.

Leonhard - Construction

Leonhard - Construction

Immediately after my training as a cutting machine operator, I started working as a technical draughtsman in the design department for complex rotary transmission systems. What particularly fascinates me: I can now apply my background knowledge from production directly to the slip ring designs.

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