Schleifringe for wind turbines

»Our all-rounder for wind turbines is a tailored slip ring that is nevertheless readily available thanks to its intelligent modularity.«

Limited Installation Space

Schleifringe in wind turbines

It must be possible to adjust a wind turbine's rotor blades quickly and precisely at all times in order to use the wind as effectively as possible. Slip rings for wind turbines are subject to wide-ranging requirements: Beside their use both on- and offshore under extreme weather conditions, the limited installation space in particular is a major challenge. Thanks to the continuous technical advances achieved by SCHLEIFRING, we are already able to offer hybrid systems that fulfill the requirements of future wind turbine generations.


»Customers not only buy a product from SCHLEIFRING – they buy a promise. Our experts ensure that things keep on turning – for decades on end.«

 Schleifring for wind turbines
Schleifringe for wind turbines

Slip Rings for Wind Farms

We develop slip rings for wind farms, tailored to the customers' needs – for every individual application involving the transmission of power. Whether compact or heavy, on- or offshore, with electric or hydraulic pitch control, with conventional or modern gearbox technology: we design the individual solutions that our customers need!

Our Product Offering in the Online Shop:

SCHLEIFRING Applications



Slip ring designs for the aerospace sector require a high degree of precision and technical reliability. Depending on the field of application, they are subject to extreme conditions. Working together with our customers, we develop customized slip rings that are able to fulfill these requirements.



In medical diagnostic imaging, computer tomography is an important instrument. Precise data would be impossible without CT slip rings. With a diameter of up to two meters, they are the giants among slip rings and allow contactless transmission of high-definition image data.


 Industrial Manufacturing

Industrial Manufacturing

Industrial companies continually find themselves confronted with manifold technical challenges that constantly require new, state-of-the-art solutions. Modular slip rings for industrial applications offer the necessary individuality.




Slip rings make an indispensable contribution to the protection of people and property in radar and reconnaissance systems as well as in monitoring systems and baggage scanners.
